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Creating Eye-catching Thumbnails & Titles for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Tips for Creating Eye-catching Thumbnails & Titles for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Y ou’ve poured your heart and soul into creating amazing beauty and fashion vlog content. But here’s the harsh reality: in the oversaturated world of YouTube, your masterpiece might get lost in the shuffle unless it grabs attention from the very first glance. That’s where thumbnails and titles come in โ€“ your digital first impression!

Creating Eye-catching Thumbnails & Titles for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Creating Eye-catching Thumbnails & Titles for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

In the vast and competitive world of beauty and fashion vlogging, grabbing the attention of your audience is crucial for success. While producing high-quality content is essential, the first thing viewers see when scrolling through their feed is your thumbnail and title. These elements serve as the gateway to your video, enticing viewers to click and watch.

Think of them as eye-catching storefront windows for your vlog. They need to be enticing, informative, and most importantly, make viewers stop scrolling and click on your video. But here’s the catch: avoid clickbait. Sure, a title promising “The CRAZY Makeup Hack That Changed My Life!” might get clicks, but it’ll likely disappoint viewers and damage your reputation.

So, how do you create effective and engaging thumbnails and titles for your beauty and fashion vlogs? Here are some insider tips:

Creating Eye-catching Thumbnails: Do’s and Don’ts

Creating Eye-catching Thumbnails & Titles for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs


  • Keep it Eye-Catching: Use bright colors, bold fonts, and clear visuals. Think of your thumbnail as a miniature movie poster โ€“ it should entice viewers to learn more.
  • Highlight Key Elements: Feature yourself (with good lighting!), the product you’re reviewing, or a stunning final makeup look in your thumbnail.
  • Maintain Brand Consistency: Develop a signature style for your thumbnails using similar color palettes and fonts. This helps viewers recognize your content across the platform.
  • Add Text Overlays: Use clear and concise text overlays to highlight the video’s content. This could be the product name, a key makeup look, or a catchy phrase.


  • Overdo the Photoshop: We all love a flawless look, but viewers want authenticity. Don’t distort your features or use misleading edits in your thumbnails.
  • Fill it with Clutter: A cluttered thumbnail is confusing and overwhelming. Stick to a few key elements and keep it clean.
  • Misuse All Caps: It screams desperation and comes across as unprofessional. Use all caps sparingly, perhaps for key words or emphasis.
  • Employ Deceptive Images: Don’t use misleading images in your thumbnail. What you see should accurately reflect the video content.

Creating Eye-catching Titles: Do’s and Don’t


  • Keep it Short & Sweet: Aim for titles under 60 characters โ€“ that’s the sweet spot for most video platforms. Long titles get cut off and lose impact.
  • Use Keywords: Think about what viewers might search for. Include relevant keywords related to your content โ€“ “Summer Makeup Tutorial,” “Drugstore Lipstick Review,” etc.
  • Intrigue & Inform: Don’t give everything away in the title, but pique viewers’ curiosity. For example, instead of “Blush Application,” try “The Blush Technique That Sculpts Your Face.”
  • Benefit-Driven: Focus on the benefit your video offers viewers. Is it a time-saving makeup hack? A guide for beginners? Highlight that in your title.


  • All Caps Frenzy: Just like thumbnails, avoid using all caps in your titles unless absolutely necessary.
  • Excessive Emojis: Emojis can be fun, but overuse comes across as unprofessional. Use them sparingly for emphasis.
  • Punctuation Overload: Excessive exclamation points and question marks look spammy. Use them strategically and let the content itself be exciting.
  • Negativity Bait: Titles like “Worst Makeup Products EVER!” might get clicks, but they create a negative first impression. Focus on positive and informative titles.

Bonus Tip: A/B Testing Your Titles:

Not sure which title will resonate most with your audience? Use YouTube’s A/B testing feature to experiment with different variations. This allows you to see which title performs best in terms of views and click-through rates.

Examples of Effective Thumbnails and Titles for Vlogs:

Makeup Tutorial:

Thumbnail: Close-up of you with flawless makeup. Text overlay: “Summer Glow Makeup Tutorial.”

Title: “5-Minute Summer Makeup Routine for Beginners”

Fashion Haul/Try-On Video:

Thumbnail: Split image โ€“ you on one side wearing an outfit, a collage of featured items on the other. Text overlay: “Fall Fashion Haul 2024!”

Title: “Affordable Fall Fashion Finds: From Workwear to Weekend Chic”

In conclusion, creating eye-catching thumbnails and titles is essential for attracting viewers and driving engagement with your beauty and fashion vlogs. By choosing compelling imagery, emphasizing contrast and color, keeping it simple and clear, incorporating branding elements, sparking curiosity with titles, experimenting with text and typography, and testing and iterating on your designs, you can create thumbnails and titles that stand out in the crowded online space and compel viewers to click and watch your content. Remember to stay true to your brand identity and style while experimenting with different techniques and strategies to create thumbnails and titles that captivate and engage your audience.

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