Vloggers Mag

Storyboarding Tips for a Beauty & Fashion Vlog

toryboarding: Let’s face it, filming a beauty and fashion vlog can feel like wrangling kittens sometimes. You have amazing ideas, fantastic products to showcase, but translating that vision into a...

Filming Techniques for a Beauty & Fashion Vlog

Filming Techniques: Let’s face it, hitting record on your phone and rambling about your favorite lipstick shade might have been enough to launch your beauty and fashion vlogging journey. But as you...

Sound Recording Tips for a Beauty & Fashion Vlog

Sound Recording Tips: Let’s be honest, even the most captivating visuals can be ruined by bad audio. Imagine watching a makeup tutorial with buzzing background noise or a fashion haul where you...

Best Video Editing Software for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Best Video Editing Software: Alright, let’s face it. You’ve filmed some amazing content for your beauty and fashion vlog โ€“ killer makeup tutorials, a haul of show-stopping outfits, and a product...

Essential Editing Techniques for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

o you’ve filmed some incredible beauty and fashion content โ€“ stunning makeup tutorials, eye-catching outfit hauls, and in-depth product reviews. But let’s face it, those raw clips are just the...

Tips for Creating Eye-catching Thumbnails & Titles for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

ou’ve poured your heart and soul into creating amazing beauty and fashion vlog content. But here’s the harsh reality: in the oversaturated world of YouTube, your masterpiece might get lost in the...

Choosing a Vlogging Platform for Your Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

So you’ve got the creativity, the passion, and the killer makeup skills โ€“ you’re ready to launch your beauty and fashion vlogging journey! But with a plethora of online platforms vying for your...

Optimizing Beauty & Fashion Videos for YouTube Searches

Optimizing Beauty & Fashion Videos for YouTube Searches: Creating amazing beauty and fashion vlog content is just half the battle. The other half? Make sure your masterpiece gets seen by the people who...

Scripts Writing Techniques for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Scripts Writing Techniques for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs: The camera’s on, the lighting’s perfect, and your outfit is on point โ€“ but your mind’s a blank canvas. Been there, done that, right...

How to Monetize Your Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Monetization Beauty & Fashion Vlogs: You pour your heart and soul into creating amazing beauty and fashion content, but let’s face it โ€“ running a vlog takes time, effort, and resources...

Crafting Compelling Intros & Outros for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Crafting Compelling Intros & Outros: You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating amazing content for your beauty and fashion vlog โ€“ a sizzling makeup tutorial, a haul bursting with trendy finds...

The Art of Storytelling as a Beauty & Fashion Vlogger

Storytelling: In the fast-paced world of beauty and fashion vlogging, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends, product reviews, and endless hauls. But here’s the secret weapon that can...

How to Build a Loyal & Engaged Community – Beauty & Fashion Vlogger

How to Build a Loyal & Engaged Community: In the bustling world of beauty and fashion vlogging, it’s easy to feel like you’re talking into the void. Sure, you might get views and likes, but...

Why & How to Collaborate With Other Beauty & Fashion Vloggers

Collaboration: Beauty and fashion vlogging can be a solitary pursuit. You’re staring down the lens, pouring your creativity into tutorials, reviews, and hauls. But what if we told you there’s a way...

Cross-Promotion on Social Media: Is it Good for Beauty & Fashion Vloggers?

Cross-promotion is the art of leveraging your existing social media platforms to promote your YouTube channel, potentially reaching more viewers and growing your vlogging empire. But is it all sunshine and...

Staying Up-to-Date with Beauty & Fashion Trends as a Vlogger

The world of beauty and fashion is a whirlwind. Trends seem to change faster than you can say “contour palette.” As a beauty and fashion vlogger, staying on top of the latest trends is crucial. It...

Time Management Hacks for Beauty & Fashion Vloggers

The life of a beauty and fashion vlogger can be glamorous, filled with creative expression and the joy of connecting with your audience. But let’s be real, it can also be a time management nightmare...

Strategies for Dealing with Negative Comments as a Beauty & Fashion Vlogger

How to Deal with Negative Comments: The world of beauty and fashion vlogging is a vibrant space filled with creativity, self-expression, and passionate audiences. But let’s face it, no matter how amazing...

Defining Your Audience in Beauty & Fashion Vlogging

Creating beauty and fashion vlogs can feel like shouting into the void sometimes. You spend hours perfecting your look, filming meticulously, and editing tirelessly, only to be met with crickets chirping in...

Brainstorming Video Ideas for Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

Let’s be honest, staring at a blank screen with the pressure of churning out another viral video can feel soul-crushing. Even the most passionate beauty and fashion vloggers experience the occasional...

Category - Beauty & Fashion Vlogs

A step-by-step guide to starting a beauty and fashion vlog channel on YouTube. Find advice for finding your niche, recommendations for cameras & gear, video editing tips

The Vloggers Guide Magazine